St James The Great

​Old Milverton, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire


We welcome enquires about getting married at St James and look forward to getting to know you and to helping make your wedding day a very special occasion. To be married in this lovely church you need to be able to answer yes to one of these questions:

Do you live in the parish?                                                               Have your parents lived in the parish of St. James for at least 6 months? 

Were you baptised at St. James?                                                     Have you at any time lived in the parish of St. James?

Are you on the electoral roll of the church?                                       Have you worshipped at St. James for at least 6 months?  

Were you confirmed at St. James?                                                   Were your parents or grandparents married at St. James?

We can help you arrange a vicar and an organist. We also have a team of flower arrangers who are happy to discuss your particular requirements and costs. We can help you arrange for the church bells to ring. The church will seat between 100 and 110 people max. Fees for weddings are set annually by the Church of  England, so please ask when making your enquiry. St James does not have its own toilets, you might want to hire the Village Hall so your guests can use the toilets.

​To find out more contact us here